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Webinar Thursday May 19, 2016: MongoDB administration for MySQL DBA

Mi, 2016-05-18 16:21

Please join Alexander Rubin, Percona Principal Consultant, for his webinar MongoDB administration for MySQL DBA on Thursday, May 19 at 10 am PDT (UTC-7).

If you are a MySQL DBA and want to learn MongoDB quickly – this webinar is for you. MySQL and MongoDB share similar concepts so it will not be hard to get up to speed with MongoDB.

In this talk I will explain the following MongoDB administration concepts:
  • Day to day operations for MongoDB
  • Storage engines and differences with MySQL storage engines
  • Databases, collections and documents
  • Replication in MongoDB and the difference with MySQL replication
  • Sharding in MongoDB
  • Backups in MongoDB

In the webinar, each slide will show a MySQL concept or operation (on the left) and the corresponding MongoDB one (on the right).

Register here.

Alexander Rubin, Principal Consultant

Alexander joined Percona in 2013. Alexander has worked with MySQL since 2000 as a DBA and Application Developer. Before joining Percona, he was a MySQL principal consultant for over seven years (started with MySQL AB in 2006, then Sun Microsystems and then Oracle). He helped many customers design large, scalable and highly available MySQL systems and optimize MySQL performance. Alexander also helped customers design Big Data stores with Apache Hadoop and related technologies.